203 – brat tamer

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
203 - brat tamer

Welcome to the frontline defense of the Women First movement. Nas, Marshall, and OK have gone third wave terf as brat summer sets into, and you heard this here first, KAMALAUTUMN. Get those 🍉 out, the 🌴 genocide is IN! We do some insane future casting about the America’s next top Ghaddfi, the new Democrat ice cream craze, and MORE! $2000 plz.


Art and Labor
Art and Labor

Taylor Lorenz please retweet this!! DADDY NEED CLOUTY!! Welcome to vroom vroom room with OK and Nas. The two baddest tboys in podcasting are OFF LEASH on field recorder spitting takes on Biden covid, Trump bullet, and the losers who sit and post all day (NOT ME THO, I’M DIFFERENT.) If you crave HOTTER takes venmo @ok-fox $100!!

 If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

201 – Welcome to Ridgewood, Duck! Mother Fucker

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
201 - Welcome to Ridgewood, Duck! Mother Fucker

Nas is on the dating apps, Marshall gets drafted into the trash pickers union, and OK gets called a dirty hippie 🥵 All pretty routine, episode 200 should prob be more special than this? So I freaked it. HEY NEW YORK ARE YOU READY FOR BRAT SUMMER *GUNSHOT* MY RENT IS TOO HIGH VENMO @0K-FOX FOR THE SECRET TAKES. We are making the podcast real with segments, I mean it this time. What has AOC done for you lately? Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you wanna go apeshit? Our next merch is Spencer’s Gifts keychains, you heard it here first. We’re always right. If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

199 – Homo Homogenous

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
199 - Homo Homogenous

OK is global homo now, and with that cums the vicious self critique. We’re synthesizing new levels of half Jewish half Catholic guilt, and it still isn’t kinky enough for the fascist Eurofags. Berghain zionists hate our freedom. Nas saw the Manhattan mainstream media playground firsthand at the Tribeca Film Fest, where they mistook Pisspiggranddad for someone extremely offensive. “Tavi Gevinson? More Like Daddy Buy Me a Gun” Uhhh what else, fired off some NYC politics takes, and made Marshall tell the story of doing tech for the Stonewall Democrats gala, where old queers are programmed to be like a glass brick, useless. Special cameo from the icon Julian Sh333p!!

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198 – Bagel Snackcast w/ Linda Felcher

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
198 - Bagel Snackcast w/ Linda Felcher

This was gonna be paywalled, but it’s way too main episode vibe so no reason to assign it a gender. BIG ep for the New York nationalists out there. Trump’s guilty verdict is the latest notch in his New Yorker cultural cache, but in this episode we talk about his relationship to theater, how it relates to where he’s from in Queens, and to his constituents within Long Island style conservatism. Who better to tawlk about Long Gayland than OK’s beautiful drag mother-sibling Linda Felcher, whose drag was inspired by their family from that cursed isle. We also discuss OK’s encounters with Beck and the Real Housewives at the NADA art fair. He gives us a little review of his mentor Lee Masterson‘s big gallery world cumming out. Finally, the Halloween straight couple queer umbrella theory returns with a little review of the Dragula stage show.

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197 – Assassination & Assimilation

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
197 - Assassination & Assimilation

The crew discusses the inevitable Jewish civil war between the surge of nuclear families (zionism) and cringe polycules (New York cultural secularism.) I think we also advocated for a Hot Hot Heat revial, but that might have been the paywalled episode, you can find that here. Wow! Every day is an adventure with Art and Labor 2!~~~~ 😀

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Bushwick bs: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-05-11/how-bushwick-became-the-brooklyn-hub-for-dance-clubs-late-night-parties

OK previous TCAF coverage: https://thenewinquiry.com/alienated-nerds/

great new alt monthly: https://www.thegrindmag.ca/

196 – Layers of Unreality

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
196 - Layers of Unreality

Precarity and propaganda. Becoming unhuman. The trans internet illuminati emerges in flesh. Nepo baby class traitors. Escape, find alternative ways to live. The media is a vicious tool designed to hurt us, use us to hurt them. Do your own research. Bridgework makes the Ridgework.

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

195 – Institutions? More like Instant Two Shits!! w/ Nas

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
195 - Institutions? More like Instant Two Shits!! w/ Nas

The new era of Art and Labor cuntinues to shape up with Marshall and OK grooming holocaust, memory, and internet studies scholar Nas to become a new Nakama of the pod-ship. We ask them about so-called progressive Jewish institutions failing to recognize genocide or even twisting “never again” as a disgusting attempt to justify the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians. We also discuss the demands of the campus protests, and potential strategies for coordination and escalation. Can we imagine a world without private institutions and media? Can we navigate increased violence, repression, and airborne toxins to free ourselves from further isolation? BONUS EP ON MORE VERBOTEN TOPICS HERE 😬

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thread of how student demonstrators in the 1960s were depicted in editorial cartoons: https://twitter.com/lawprofblawg/status/1782144133429154204?t=F4E67xQOMfzWtK1MMBVv7A&s=19

Ben Morea on Columbia in 68: https://twitter.com/bum_lung/status/1783255272556782074?t=YjzLsy366119ZYW0t1NThQ&s=19

John Berger’s The Nature of Mass Demonstrations: https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/isj/1968/no034/berger.htm

CUNY action from Nov: https://www.leftvoice.org/student-workers-stand-up-for-cuny-and-palestine/

That time IOF students did chemical warfare: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaSJP/status/1748729253770698944

194 – Physical Media

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
194 - Physical Media

Iconic bald guys Marshall and OK are back, and this week they rant poetic about physical media. Who is speaking with authority? Is it us? Is it Tavi Gevinson? Is it the New York Times? Is it whoever is telling the New York Times to censor certain words and whoever is telling Tavi to pay minions $25/hr to distro free sponcon for Taylor Swift? Is it Taylor Swift? If you’re a Swiftie you have to tell us. Hopefully we get some of that sweet new album SEO!

Solidarity with Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) https://twitter.com/taliaotg/status/1780995492832334317




193 – Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
193 - Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor 2 is back! We take a second to decompress and to welcome new cohost Marshall, who’s talking to us today about United Musicians and Allied Workers. The group recently had campaigns bringing attention to SXSW underpaying artists and taking money from the Department of Defense. We talk about building alternative spaces and the inefficiencies of the Armies official E-sports team. If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Cum 2 the gig!

You can read more about UMAW’s Fair Pay at SXSW campaign here: https://weareumaw.org/fair-pay-at-sxsw

