New President, same bullshit, but perhaps slightly more annoying given the faux progressive pandering. Not to mention the cultural pandering! No matter how communal an aesthetic might feel, there’s always some asshole willing to sell it off to the political class. Hope everyone gets their half a vaccine so we can at least become cool mutant creatures before we go. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia’s school “Constructing the Real” Please write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
Darcie’s piece on CIA twitter: https://theoutline.com/post/8722/the-cias-twitter-account-is-a-war-crime?zd=1&zi=lbewuajn
the Spook Who Sat by the Door: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BynXfREPG8&feature=youtu.be
New cave pig just dropped: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/pig-painting-indonesia-cave-worlds-oldest-figurative-artwork-1234581296/
WHO warns of catastrophic moral failure: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-55709428
weird government twitter used for good: https://twitter.com/USCPSC/status/1351730346883244033/photo/1