This episode we dive into the criticism surrounding Red Scare and their recent profile in The Cut. Mostly we discuss the ideology shaped by Camille Paglia, an individualist feminist who aligns herself with the alt-right favorite’s dad Jordan Peterson. We try to appeal for lefty media unity, and find some queer relief from the writings of Mary Beard, Ursula K Le Guin, and admitted normie Peter Frase.
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Keep Socialism Weird: http://www.peterfrase.com/2018/10/keep-socialism-weird/
Mary Beard: https://twitter.com/wmarybeard
Red Scare Profile: https://www.thecut.com/2018/10/profile-red-scare-podcast.html
FWA: http://festivalworkers.com/
James from the Burgerville Union: http://jamescurryiv.com/