Hope everyone had a wonderful Mayday. What a busy weekend for NYC activism! Sarah and OK visit the Strike MoMA action and speak with William Powhida of Artists for a Post-MoMA Future (and many other art-activist projects) and prolific anti-imperalist printmaker Kyle Goen. Strike MoMA have actions planned every Friday for the rest of the summer and invite participation from others who agree with the statement. Don’t listen to the New York Times, listen to us, we were there. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia school “Constructing the Real” Also! Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
Read the statement and email the groups to get involved here: https://www.strikemoma.org/