Marshall, Kenneth, and OK in what’s maybe the most neurotic host configuration yet buzz little poems in your ears about the trains, the violence, the holigays, and prob other stuff?? I wish I could quit you, talking into microphones. Perhaps the show could improve with money, but there’s no money. I took the autism test, but my score was really low actually!
There’s a new Venom movie and you know what that means, Kevin is back!!! Apologies to all the #symbrock heads, we watched it after recording this Our verdict was go see it!!! We do render judgement over less important stuff like the US election and the Vatican. Who are YOU writing in for American pope? We served the most cunt at the nu nu metal Halloween show. What else happened? Kevin and OK got yelled at on the bus. Marshall got psyop’d at grocery store. Nas is a cardinal of the Young Pope fandom. Ya know, just Art and Labor things
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Welcome to the frontline defense of the Women First movement. Nas, Marshall, and OK have gone third wave terf as brat summer sets into, and you heard this here first, KAMALAUTUMN. Get those out, the genocide is IN! We do some insane future casting about the America’s next top Ghaddfi, the new Democrat ice cream craze, and MORE! $2000 plz.
OK is global homo now, and with that cums the vicious self critique. We’re synthesizing new levels of half Jewish half Catholic guilt, and it still isn’t kinky enough for the fascist Eurofags. Berghain zionists hate our freedom. Nas saw the Manhattan mainstream media playground firsthand at the Tribeca Film Fest, where they mistook Pisspiggranddad for someone extremely offensive. “Tavi Gevinson? More Like Daddy Buy Me a Gun” Uhhh what else, fired off some NYC politics takes, and made Marshall tell the story of doing tech for the Stonewall Democrats gala, where old queers are programmed to be like a glass brick, useless. Special cameo from the icon Julian Sh333p!!
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195 - Institutions? More like Instant Two Shits!! w/ Nas
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The new era of Art and Labor cuntinues to shape up with Marshall and OK grooming holocaust, memory, and internet studies scholar Nas to become a new Nakama of the pod-ship. We ask them about so-called progressive Jewish institutions failing to recognize genocide or even twisting “never again” as a disgusting attempt to justify the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians. We also discuss the demands of the campus protests, and potential strategies for coordination and escalation. Can we imagine a world without private institutions and media? Can we navigate increased violence, repression, and airborne toxins to free ourselves from further isolation? BONUS EP ON MORE VERBOTEN TOPICS HERE
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Iconic bald guys Marshall and OK are back, and this week they rant poetic about physical media. Who is speaking with authority? Is it us? Is it Tavi Gevinson? Is it the New York Times? Is it whoever is telling the New York Times to censor certain words and whoever is telling Tavi to pay minions $25/hr to distro free sponcon for Taylor Swift? Is it Taylor Swift? If you’re a Swiftie you have to tell us. Hopefully we get some of that sweet new album SEO!
Art and Labor 2 is back! We take a second to decompress and to welcome new cohost Marshall, who’s talking to us today about United Musicians and Allied Workers. The group recently had campaigns bringing attention to SXSW underpaying artists and taking money from the Department of Defense. We talk about building alternative spaces and the inefficiencies of the Armies official E-sports team. If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!
(sorry for bad mic this ep) OK and Sarah warm up the engine a little with a conversation leading from, and leading to, the ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza as we speak. What is to be done? We weigh the options- mostly, do what you can, some of which is going to involve the heavy and uncomfortable work of shittalking a list comedians. how could we ever carry such a burden! Are you favs on the good list or the bad list?
We’re preaching to the choir here most likely, but please don’t be afraid to speak out- there are lives to be saved
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OK’s Disclaimer Gallery comrade Jin is in town from Hawaii and updates us on the situation in Maui, their community care work, and the Be Easy Stay Safe zine made for and by sex workers. Please follow and support Jin’s work on their Instagram. Content warning: we discuss experiences of transphobic and racist discrimination, as well as harassment and assault at work. We also discuss fun stuff like art and care and love!!!
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Remember back in the day when we used to wax philosophical about the meaning and role of art? Oh you don’t, because this is the first episode you’ve ever listened to? Well buckle up, cuz Lucia printed a new edition of their screed, and they’re here to inculcate the youth. OK leads the OG duo through some thoughtful tangents that would make Alan Watts swoon as they flip through copies of “Visionary Statement 1.5” lovingly riso printed by Hannah Brookman of Looky Here fame. If you listened to this whole episode and it made you want to see some art irl, Lucia’s show SOULCANO is on view at Giovanni’s Room LA until July 29th. If this episode made you want to read the dang zine, then contact @Lucia_Love on IG to get your copy before they’re all confiscated and burned as contraband.
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