Episode 11 – HOW NOT TO BE SEEN

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 11 - HOW NOT TO BE SEEN

A Fucking Didactic Educational AUDIO File! We basically spin a weird collage about surveillance and privacy (a lost cause). A lot of time traveling this episode. We go back in time 5-7 years when folks were rushing Youtube with How To videos like it was the dang gold rush. We receive a prescient transmission from Jack Smith about the commodification of counterculture and the hyper capitalization art fairs were about to cause. We also heed lessons from David Wojnarowicz. Thank you queer history. Folks on the margins are often destroyed by the state, listen to them, and give them space.

Follow our new Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/artandlaborpod/

Call us! (413) 258-1116

Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/artandlaborpod

You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com

How Not to Be Seen:


How to Basic:


How to Internet:


How to Disappear in America:


Shows closing next month:




Surveillance Cinema by Catherine Zimmer:


& Strategic Reality Dictionary: Deep Infopolitics and Cultural Intelligence
Book by Konrad Becker

Episode 10 – Post Cold War Art and the CIA

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 10 - Post Cold War Art and the CIA

The department of defense, the CIA, and the FBI have all had a hand in influencing art, culture, and academia. We discuss the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, Marvel movies, Rockefeller, modernism, futurist fascism, and Mexican muralism. Are you bummed about MFAs and institutional partnerships with banks? Us too buddy.  If you like us please consider donating for bonus writing, memes, and art: https://d.rip/art-and-labor

Call us! (413) 258-1116

Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/artandlaborpod

You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com

Politics of Art: Contemporary Art and the Transition to Post-Democracy https://www.e-flux.com/journal/21/67696/politics-of-art-contemporary-art-and-the-transition-to-post-democracy/

How Iowa Flattened Literature (With CIA help, writers were enlisted to battle both Communism and eggheaded abstraction. The damage to writing lingers) https://www.chronicle.com/article/How-Iowa-Flattened-Literature/144531

The CIA’s abstract art collection: https://hyperallergic.com/294142/a-visit-to-the-the-cias-secret-abstract-art-collection/

Movies funded by the state: https://twitter.com/BootsRiley/status/1025779683541934080

^backed up by this Freedom of Information Act: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/hollywood-cia-washington-dc-films-fbi-24-intervening-close-relationship-a7918191.html

Marvel’s “cancelled” gun manufacturer sponsor: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8x835p/northrop-grumman-paid-marvel-to-turn-the-military-contractor-into-a-superhero-avengers

The Pentagon and Hollywood: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/421064-pentagon-hollywood-propaganda-dod/

Episode 8 – Sorry to Bother You

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 8 - Sorry to Bother You

We saw Sorry to Bother You and it was THE BEST MOVIE and THE ONLY MOVIE! We celebrate Chairman Boots Riley’s new masterpiece. We try to process the race and gender roles depicted in the film, but we’re way more excited to do a working class analysis. We’re now offering bonus materials on our Drip page! Feel free to skip the first 15 minutes of this ep that is just an ad for it. If you like us please consider donating for bonus writing, memes, and art: https://d.rip/art-and-labor

Call us! (413) 258-1116

Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/artandlaborpod

You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com



DISPATCH – Welcome to Art and Labor!

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
DISPATCH - Welcome to Art and Labor!

We had a tweet go viral! Artnet published a pseudoscience garbage article claiming that artists’ brain chemistry causes them to not what to be paid for their work, we told them to fuck off with that noise. This episode breakdown the discourse, and get into plenty of tangents along the way!! This episode was recorded on the streets of Chelsea and Bushwick. Later doodle-bitches!

Welcome new listeners! Art and Labor focuses on the on-going struggle to survive as an art or cultural worker. We chronicle the stories of social justice organizing within the arts, and believe in centering the human cost of the “art world” and advocate for fair labor practices for artists, assistants, fabricators, docents, interns, registrars, janitors, writers, editors, curators, guards, performers, and anyone doing work for art & cultural institutions.

Helpful links that provide context for this episode:

the viral tweet/article: https://twitter.com/ArtandLaborPod/status/1016154656265965568

more responses:  https://twitter.com/i/moments/1016323997443780609

follow Nicky Flowers: https://twitter.com/yiffpolice

clothes are complicated: https://thefunambulist.net/podcast/mimi-thi-nguyen-fashion-design-01-clothing-and-politics-the-appearance-of-the-public-body

visit this show this summer: http://www.c24gallery.com/exhibitions-detail/from-the-cradle-to-the-boat-curated-by-tommy-hartung