Hello!! Welcome back to the fold, sweet lambs, I missed you terribly so…what’s your year been like, kids? Today’s Art and Labor is for the fans, and also the haters, who have neglected to call me even once while I was gone…….this week we’re cutting it up (hard) on how Scientific Management (Taylor’s Version) mysteriously tends to bend society towards child labor, a Rest In Piss Vice send up that ends up being our apologies for going to Death By Audio shows, and a few more clues as to what our jobs actually are for the oldheads developing their A&L iceberg videos. Send me cannolis, I’m dying up here, my people yearn for freedom, we will greet you as liberators!!
This week Art and Labor is joined by Vera Drew, director of The People’s Joker, history’s most anticipated queer-coming-of-age indictment of the contemporary comedy landscape through the lens of Batman’s Rogues Gallery. We yak it up with Vera over the stunning consistency Ben Folds has to the queer experience, the tenderness of her relationship with David Liebe Hart, and the powerful kind of art that can be made when truly focused on being a collaborative venture that centers community. Cannonballing into the fantastical and sentimental, it’s a movie we need and deserve when reactionaries of all types are actively attempting to destroy queer joy. #FreeThePeoplesJoker
Everyone’s favorite psedo-anonymous arts organizer Nick returns with a thoughtful critique and history of what the group INCITE! coined “the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.” We discuss many of the points from the 2007 () manifesto including how NGOs monitor and stunt the power of social movements, allow the ruling class to mask their exploitation through “philanthropy,” and legitimize the capitalist state. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
*come to our live show nowadays 11/9* Woop woop! OK is joined by longtime collaborator, fellow Sparks fan, and prolific artist of many materials including blown glass, jeans, wood carvings, and marzipan—Sessa Englund! It’s a Halloween festival of takes about culture, masculinity, and that ol’ chestnut “can an art space serve the public over capital?” We’re not sorry if we tricked you, may the juggalos find queer collectivism.
A message to the people of Bushwig: BREAK THE CHAIN, ANNEX MASPETH. What is this episode? If I recall correctly we discuss how capitalists attempt to resolve what communist art theorist Adam Buttrick calls “the Bad Vibes Contradiction” through crypto, AI, Canva, and other data vultures in the culture industries. Chelsea Manning DJs Nightcore, not Hyperpop, one is the people’s algorithm, the other belongs to the music business. What’s our role in automation, in our own displacement? The prison will not absorb us, we are building up to a break.
A special presentation for all the “social-sim” listeners- take a deep breath, and when you’re ready, slowly close your eyes to imagine yourself in a world where your friend is high out of their mind, and yet still able to set up a mixer? What if someone took longer to explain the plot of a movie than the movie’s actual run time? It’s real, and it’s happened to your hero Sarah 3 times now- I’ll never need watch 2012, Open Water 2, or, now, The Report (2019). Supposedly starring Annette Bening, we all know who’s the real star of this hyperfixation- the perpetually clammy Seme Adam Driver, playing a perpetually clammy Seme Perfect Lib on a mission to uh– you know, uh, it’s like that time some HS acquaintances of yours did the college town farm larp thing where they paid to kill a goat and then take all the meat home, and have a bonfire to eat it, and for some reason you’re there even though you haven’t seen these guys since one of them broke both their legs trying to paper mâche a chimney into a penis? Imagine that, now imagine we’re all talking about American complicity with the CIA torture program. Here at A&L, we would strive to provide the highest quality “older sibling’s burnout friend” experience, but we’re kinda tired this week :/
170 - Nathan For Art 2 w/ Alec Robbins & Hannah Guerrero
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The long-awaited part 2 of A&L’s side pod, Fielderwatch, taking on the series finale of The Rehearsal with twitter’s most famous husband, Alec Robbins, and friend of the pod and union-certified painter of tunnels onto walls Hannah Guerrero! For a show that adores how tv gets made, it equally adores the psychological trauma of doing so, with the gut-wrenching sixth episode that speaks to not just the ethics of child actors as a concept, but expands on ideas first developed in Nathan For You, on what “help” can even mean. Hannah and Alec share their valuable insight as past and present film crew workers, explaining the actual level of labor that goes into the creation of the little moving square in your living room, and how those workplaces could produce great works democratically. Also, we didn’t take the week off, we did this interview!!
You’ve had your hot girl summer, white boy summer, and if you’re anything like us, you’ve still tossed and turned in your ac-less bedroom, dreaming of something greater. That’s why we’re partnering with the UN Gift Garden to present- Mastaba Snoopy Nonbinary Freak Summer! And kicking it off this week OK and Sarah are joined by longtime elusive keystone species of the pod Khamara and Spike for the long-awaited Dogwalking Episode. In preparation we’ve watched Masaaki Yuasa’s new rock opera Inu-Oh and Dog Soldiers, a pre-911 filmic treasure documenting the nyc dogwalking scene.
OK and Sarah this week cover the first two episodes of Nathan Fielder’s new video art collection The Rehearsal and larger labor politics of cast and crew, the work’s relationship to his former practice on Comedy Central, and the 2010 Tino Sehgal performance of This Progress at the good ‘ol famously liberatory Gug. Do you remember when Alec Baldwin killed that lady? Does your work love humans? Have you tried art? PS – Wild speculation about Beyoncé in front of Happy Fun dressed as Regalo’s green salsa.
**Though this clip is fairly tame, we want to put a big content warning on the full episode for discussions of child abuse, sexual exploitation, and bodily violence**