163 – Groomer Pride w/ Joey De Jesus

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
163 - Groomer Pride w/ Joey De Jesus

OK catches up with fan favorite fourth mic Joey De Jesus (@DeJesusSaves) to talk Pride month, gossip about NYC local elections/budget woes, and the trap of Puerto Rican statehood. Would you join the Queer liberation army? There’s gonna be sparkly maces involved! Also we’re leaning into groomer, it’s gonna be a whole problem. The establishment dems are ruining the parades and forging their ballot signatures, gotta hate being stuck in this garbage party! Putting another big trigger warning for serious gun violence during the last part of this episode.


ALERT: JOIN OUR SCHOOL!  Please reach out to join the discord for “Constructing the Real” NOW!

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Missed our podcast? OK was interviewed on WNYC for yelling at the mayor: https://gothamist.com/news/queens-pride-parade-returns-to-jackson-heights-after-pandemic-pause

Register for Joey’s virtual poetry reading: https://twitter.com/DeJesusSaves/status/1537422369127600128

Episode 84 – Art Institutions Update

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 84 - Art Institutions Update

We discuss the bleak the state of art institutions. Schools and museums have been laying off staff without many cuts to executive pay or dips into endowments. They started with low level freelancers, moved on to anyone who to dared unionize, and are now making serious cuts to full-time positions. We use the viral gun-toting wealthy couple and their Louvre of a house to compare institutions to the democratic party—can they be reformed within capitalism, should they be abolished, and how? If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia’s school “Constructing the Real”

Details on Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s insane house: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/gun-wielding-mccloskeys-art-collectors-1891419?fbclid=IwAR3H2acEBL75BZS-nc-CkOuuwzmXTKk0orUvAe4MTrP-hjnXD_Hxw-KaF2s

Guggenheim situation: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/02/arts/design/guggenheim-investigation-racism.html?fbclid=IwAR1rWNxJ-QTI9tC2gC7Llpv8-SiPrmcQyT7Rw8hNLIZnm9PIsVg8VBUQ-r4

New Museum re-imagining: https://twitter.com/newmuseum_union/status/1277782811311775745