OK catches up with fan favorite fourth mic Joey De Jesus (@DeJesusSaves) to talk Pride month, gossip about NYC local elections/budget woes, and the trap of Puerto Rican statehood. Would you join the Queer liberation army? There’s gonna be sparkly maces involved! Also we’re leaning into groomer, it’s gonna be a whole problem. The establishment dems are ruining the parades and forging their ballot signatures, gotta hate being stuck in this garbage party! Putting another big trigger warning for serious gun violence during the last part of this episode.
BONUS – Nick on RuPaul's Drag Race: Revolutionary Art Class Session
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Start your engines, and may the best ideology, win! Our friend Nick (@uhsadqueer in the Art and Labor discord) worked hard on this incredible presentation on the RuPaul’s Drag Race empire. Learn how the show has shifted since it’s much smaller beginnings on the obscure LGBTQ channel Logo, to the much wider national audience on VH1, to multiple international spinoffs. Is Drag Race part of an imperialist project? Is drag gay sports? Can sports be revolutionary? Do the producers have PR deals with the Democratic party? We discuss this and so much more!
Beginning Thursday April 29th at 8pm EST we’ll also be hosting a brand new course on Art Communes run by Hannah Brookman from Looky Here art space in Greenfield Massachusetts. The curriculum will center around reading the book Art and Labor by Eileen Boris, and watching documentaries on a new collective every week. Should be a great crash course for anyone considering ditching capitalism for that sexy utopia that is living with all your friends in a bucky ball. Course enrollment is open now, so I hope to see y’all around for some learning. Let’s have fun!!