Fan favorite Sam Lefebvre’s newest work, the three-part series “A Generous Grift” for San Francisco-based community art space The Lab, is finally all here! We here at A+L felt the spacetime ripple from the upload and bolted awake in a cold sweat. Taking a magnifying glass to some particularly local, incredibly bold, and somehow publicly available fuckery from Oakland to Houston, Sam’s work expands past the typical conversation we have around how the art world perpetuates wealth for the wealthy, into direct examples of how museums uphold the real estate industry that causes our displacement and upholds the carceral state. All roads lead to tenant organizing, and any road after that you’re gonna have to figure out with your neighbors, in person. Shhhhhhhh🤫
CW: This episode we joke around about suicide. If you’re not in the mood for it, feel free to skip (it’s mostly a filler episode anyway, since we caught up to the manga, we’ll get back to the main plot next week).
Descend into the deep scorpionic undertide, with your pals (seriously, we’re pals) at Art & Labor! This week Lucia, Sarah and OK crawl around on the seabed floor like the bottom feeders they are, fulfilling their ecological niche of Vessel Updates™, I Told You Sos™ (Delta Varient), and Pollyanna Scolding™. Think of us right now as those black tar turds you got when you did the Master Cleanse. Let us bloodlet some of those humours for you, this week on Art and Labor!
Hey folks! Sorry for the short break. Here’s another guided jaunt through New York City’s Chelsea district. This time we bring you to the brand new Hudson Yards! A literal hellscape mall with an art crawl of advertisements. Are you a bad enough dude to avoid security and jump of the railing of the Vessel?? Neo Yokio is real and my friend. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: or
Super bummer, we lost half of this episode! We turned the scraps into a fun little update on different discussion points. Listen to our Hudson Yards Episode on drip or Patreon. If you are in LA support The Hammer Museum workers on strike! Catch Lucia in Chicago and O.K. in Japan!!