Episode 29 – New Museum Union

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 29 - New Museum Union

UNIONIZE THE ART WORLD! This week we congratulate members of the New Museum Union’s (@newmuseum_union) bargaining committee Dana Kopel (@decafdana), Lily Bartle (@hole_earth), and Alicia Graziano. They won their vote to officially joined UAW Local 2110 last week! We discuss the conditions that led them to unionize, the inadequacy of liberal feminism, suggestions for other workplaces looking to organize, and the unexpected friendships they made along the way. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor or https://d.rip/artandlabor

NewMuUnion: https://newmuseumunion.org/

Lily in Jacobin: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/01/new-museum-union-uaw-art-bargaining

Martha Rosler: “‘When workers tell you they need a union, then they need a union,’ Ms. Rosler said by telephone. ‘There is no question that the labor movement is what brought us to whatever good spaces we’ve been brought to socially.'” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/23/arts/design/union-vote-sparks-debate-at-new-museum.html

Subscribe to Lily’s zine: http://hole.earth/

Decolonize This Place’s video from the Whitney Town Hall: https://twitter.com/decolonize_this/status/1089556316950065153