Welcome to the frontline defense of the Women First movement. Nas, Marshall, and OK have gone third wave terf as brat summer sets into, and you heard this here first, KAMALAUTUMN. Get those 🍉 out, the 🌴 genocide is IN! We do some insane future casting about the America’s next top Ghaddfi, the new Democrat ice cream craze, and MORE! $2000 plz.
Fan favorite Sam Lefebvre’s newest work, the three-part series “A Generous Grift” for San Francisco-based community art space The Lab, is finally all here! We here at A+L felt the spacetime ripple from the upload and bolted awake in a cold sweat. Taking a magnifying glass to some particularly local, incredibly bold, and somehow publicly available fuckery from Oakland to Houston, Sam’s work expands past the typical conversation we have around how the art world perpetuates wealth for the wealthy, into direct examples of how museums uphold the real estate industry that causes our displacement and upholds the carceral state. All roads lead to tenant organizing, and any road after that you’re gonna have to figure out with your neighbors, in person. Shhhhhhhh🤫
Episode 93 – Conspiracy Class Politics on the Far Right
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9/11, 9/11, what went down with building 7? It’s a mystery to this day!! That’s right folks it’s 9/11, so we went off on another conspiracy theory episode. The far right is able to weaponize justified mistrust in liberal institutions to further their genocidal political projects, and the left doesn’t have enough power to counter the disinformation. So Martin Noakes keeps cranking out the hits for the antivax cranks. Meanwhile, the post and NYPD are able to work together dox protestors with impunity. In a political climate where fringe groups are being lauded as heroes for murdering protestors, it’s pretty clear what the message is. But hey, young creatives should snag that press where ya can! If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for the collective school “Constructing the Real”Special thanks to Ovid for supporting us, use promo code “LABOR” to get a great deal on their documentaries!