Fall has felled us once again, and it’s time to ask yourself: what if you went ahead and displayed the target goth home accessories year round? Would you be a better or worse person for it? What would Bjork’s new album do? This week we do some processing over whether the entropy death of neighborhoods would exist in a classless society, bounce around Sarah’s secret-dumb-ass-8-post-repository of costume ideas, draw a hard line in the sand regarding Old Artists getting iPads, and rattle our cage bars to the beat of the jams!
A message to the people of Bushwig: BREAK THE CHAIN, ANNEX MASPETH. What is this episode? If I recall correctly we discuss how capitalists attempt to resolve what communist art theorist Adam Buttrick calls “the Bad Vibes Contradiction” through crypto, AI, Canva, and other data vultures in the culture industries. Chelsea Manning DJs Nightcore, not Hyperpop, one is the people’s algorithm, the other belongs to the music business. What’s our role in automation, in our own displacement? The prison will not absorb us, we are building up to a break.