Art and Labor is joined by members of the union-to-be of Baltimore’s Walters Art Museum, the Walters Workers United! OK and Lucia interview Ruby, Garrett, and Allison (who we unfortunately lost connection with!) about their path towards worker organization- from your standard total mismanagement of COVID in 2020 to toxic fumes passing staff out; dealing with the Walter’s particularly unique private/public state of matter, and what that means for accountability (xXx spoiler alert xXx: there’s a lack of it). The bright side of the bullshit? Secret slacks, not realizing you had a coworker ready for your trust fall, and as always, teachers’ unions!
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You can check out the work the WWU is doing, a form letter to email, and information about how to get involved yourself at: https://waltersworkersunited.org
Alison Garret and Ruby also wanted to shout out to the Baltimore DSA in addition to the teachers union: https://baltimoredsa.org/