141 – Save Mills College

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
141 - Save Mills College

Mom (Joey) left $20 on the counter so Lucia and Sarah are eating powdered donuts for dinner, joined by special guests Hannah Bluhm and Dani Castone, two Mills College Alumni with the scoop on the school’s latest implosion. From farming the school’s history of an inclusive, diverse student body to buff up degree mill stats, to the ways colleges get roped into gentrification efforts through real estate speculation, we talk the commonality of struggle that pervades these false flag institutional financial crises, plus Lucia and Hannah’s mysterious past at an unnamed workhouse for painterly urchins (ok, you got us, no one actually likes a coquette, it’s the Koonster). If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia school “Constructing the Real” Also! Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!

https://www.savemillscollege.org/ a coalition fighting for Mills to stay a degree granting institution

https://www.aamc-mills.org/ the Alumnae/i Association who is in a legal fight with the College

Mills Staff Union https://www.instagram.com/millsstaffunite/ & their local https://www.instagram.com/seiu1021/

WTF Beth https://www.instagram.com/wtf.beth/

Actions here: https://linktr.ee/millsstaffunite

Episode 63 – Plátanito Protest

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 63 - Plátanito Protest

We originally recorded this episode as a Snackcast, our bonus feed, but liked it too much. Apologies for any munching and crunching, and for the even more causal tone than normal. We discuss working in Chelsea and art fairs as young people, insidious bootstrap mentalities, and the importance of centering marginalized workers. Don’t fall into spectacle mindset, if you must make a banana response please consider the janitorial/service workers that are often forgotten in this discourse (read about their protest in Miami here). If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com

Link to the UAWMF action in solidarity with striking garbage workers video and our episode about them: https://twitter.com/ArtandLaborPod/status/1030106437698166784