The new era of Art and Labor cuntinues to shape up with Marshall and OK grooming holocaust, memory, and internet studies scholar Nas to become a new Nakama of the pod-ship. We ask them about so-called progressive Jewish institutions failing to recognize genocide or even twisting “never again” as a disgusting attempt to justify the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians. We also discuss the demands of the campus protests, and potential strategies for coordination and escalation. Can we imagine a world without private institutions and media? Can we navigate increased violence, repression, and airborne toxins to free ourselves from further isolation? BONUS EP ON MORE VERBOTEN TOPICS HERE 😬
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thread of how student demonstrators in the 1960s were depicted in editorial cartoons: https://twitter.com/lawprofblawg/status/1782144133429154204?t=F4E67xQOMfzWtK1MMBVv7A&s=19
Ben Morea on Columbia in 68: https://twitter.com/bum_lung/status/1783255272556782074?t=YjzLsy366119ZYW0t1NThQ&s=19
John Berger’s The Nature of Mass Demonstrations: https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/isj/1968/no034/berger.htm
CUNY action from Nov: https://www.leftvoice.org/student-workers-stand-up-for-cuny-and-palestine/
That time IOF students did chemical warfare: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaSJP/status/1748729253770698944