193 – Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
193 - Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor 2 is back! We take a second to decompress and to welcome new cohost Marshall, who’s talking to us today about United Musicians and Allied Workers. The group recently had campaigns bringing attention to SXSW underpaying artists and taking money from the Department of Defense. We talk about building alternative spaces and the inefficiencies of the Armies official E-sports team. If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Cum 2 the gig!

You can read more about UMAW’s Fair Pay at SXSW campaign here: https://weareumaw.org/fair-pay-at-sxsw



178 – Music & Labor Penny Fractions Panel w/ David Turner, Joey La Neve DeFrancesco, and Phillip Golub

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
178 - Music & Labor Penny Fractions Panel w/ David Turner, Joey La Neve DeFrancesco, and Phillip Golub

OK opens this panel by accosting the Nowadays crowd, a necessary struggle session to ground the conversation physically to art venues’ position to PR, finance, and real estate. We then discuss strategies and wins from music worker organizing with members of Union of Musicians and Allied Workers and Music Workers Alliance. We are honored to be in the Penny Fractions family, congratulations to David for 5 amazing years of critical research on the music industries. Support him here. For the second half of the evening, which discussed music streaming with Liz Pelly and Cherie Hu, follow the Money 4 Podcast.

If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!

Joey in Jacobin: https://jacobin.com/2022/03/1940s-musicians-strike-american-federations-of-musicians-afm-labels-streaming

David’s newest on recession: https://pennyfractions.ghost.io/music-industry-recession-part-2/

158 – World of Statecraft w/ Eric Kostiuk Williams

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
158 - World of Statecraft w/ Eric Kostiuk Williams

Our Canadian/Britney correspondent (and brilliant cartoonist) Eric Kostiuk Williams is back! We wildly speculate on the Grimes Chelsea Manning e-girl royal wedding, and navigate the messy state of traveling in covid times. Western countries have clearly given up on virus mitigation, how are we taking care ourselves as we’re forced under demonic spell of 𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔠 𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔱𝔶? Plus a discussion of the dark money funded truckers/anti-maskers/anti-vax movements, HIV-AIDS criminalization, the hippie to big tech pipeline, and if its possible to untangle the militant nationalism around aid for victims for war.

ALERT: JOIN OUR SCHOOL!  Art Business meeting is happening on Tuesday April 5th, and the next blender class with Niko is Sunday March 27th (both at 8pm est) Please reach out to join the discord for “Constructing the Real” NOW!

If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!

Alexander McClelland on how to represent experiences of HIV criminalization: https://visualaids.org/blog/mcclelland-hiv-crim

SXSW evil shit https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gb75/at-sxsw-a-pathetic-tech-future-struggles-to-be-born

Video Game Boss zine (from 7/26/20) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bxie5if_s8OYxTIF0NOQJOg23dCcfYUr/view?usp=sharing

POD KAST: https://twitter.com/ThePOD_Kast/status/1503862096215576576