This week Art and Labor is joined by Vera Drew, director of The People’s Joker, history’s most anticipated queer-coming-of-age indictment of the contemporary comedy landscape through the lens of Batman’s Rogues Gallery. We yak it up with Vera over the stunning consistency Ben Folds has to the queer experience, the tenderness of her relationship with David Liebe Hart, and the powerful kind of art that can be made when truly focused on being a collaborative venture that centers community. Cannonballing into the fantastical and sentimental, it’s a movie we need and deserve when reactionaries of all types are actively attempting to destroy queer joy. #FreeThePeoplesJoker
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on the TIFF screening rights issues: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/the-peoples-joker-movie-pulled-tiff-rights-issues-1235220478/