Listen to the full episode on our Patreon here. Invest in these controversial opinions for the highest clout return on your Substack!! OK, Darcie, and Sarah take another swirl around the media cesspool and discuss the propaganda around the Amazon unionization effort. Lefty media is seemingly divided on appealing to either democrats or republicans, which ignores migrant workers, prisoners, and the global south who obviously cannot vote in US elections. There’s an eternal culture war on the twitter busybox, how can we break free?
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It Came From Something Awful: https://www.wired.com/story/dale-beran-it-came-from-something-awful-review/
Substack criticism: https://twitter.com/ubiquity75/status/1366115953419804677?lang=en
This dropped after we finished recording: https://theintercept.com/2021/03/30/amazon-twitter-ambassadors-jeff-bezos-bernie-sanders/
p.e. moskowitz’s mental health newsletter: https://mentalhellth.xyz/p/the-buzzfeed-ification-of-mental
on the ground amazon reporting: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/22320009/amazon-bessemer-union-rwdsu-alabama
criticism of the matt taibbi/jesse singal/glenn greenwald style cancel culture hysteria: https://newrepublic.com/article/153645/constructive-debate