215 – Eating with Tech Money

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
215 - Eating with Tech Money

Can you believe it? The gang gets annoyed with another Ridgewood restaurant. Maybe it’ll make you feel at peace that the #1 podcast for trans guy divorcees isn’t really freaking out about the destruction of the federal government. It is the men behind the curtains we’re worried about. How to kill tech bros in a video game??? They hire servants to game for them, it isn’t fair. Where’s the source? Where’s the spawn point? AI could never write this description, my consciousness is beyond machine measure. The fake lesbians were right: they’re not gonna get us.

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Outro Music is “everything comes easy” from the 2016 record 400 LB BEAUTIFUL CYBER by Scammers

Episode Art is: https://bushwickprintlab.myshopify.com/products/seth-tobocoman

206 – The Carousel Killer

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
206 - The Carousel Killer

Hey fam it’s the 9/11 episode. Be fucked up or sad about it, whatever the tone barometer’s at this year. For me? Personally? It’s death to the west all day. Xi, do you hear me zaddy? Put me in shifu. We watched that republican primary ass debate for some reason. Trumpism is dead, is this something worse? If you stick around til the end you’ll hear us go traditional values on DIY booking, something we are apparently willing to defend with our lives. The Carousel Killer’s not gonna prevent me from getting overcharged for the terrible acoustics at Knockdown Center.

 If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

178 – Music & Labor Penny Fractions Panel w/ David Turner, Joey La Neve DeFrancesco, and Phillip Golub

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
178 - Music & Labor Penny Fractions Panel w/ David Turner, Joey La Neve DeFrancesco, and Phillip Golub

OK opens this panel by accosting the Nowadays crowd, a necessary struggle session to ground the conversation physically to art venues’ position to PR, finance, and real estate. We then discuss strategies and wins from music worker organizing with members of Union of Musicians and Allied Workers and Music Workers Alliance. We are honored to be in the Penny Fractions family, congratulations to David for 5 amazing years of critical research on the music industries. Support him here. For the second half of the evening, which discussed music streaming with Liz Pelly and Cherie Hu, follow the Money 4 Podcast.

If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!

Joey in Jacobin: https://jacobin.com/2022/03/1940s-musicians-strike-american-federations-of-musicians-afm-labels-streaming

David’s newest on recession: https://pennyfractions.ghost.io/music-industry-recession-part-2/

159 – Fire in the Disco

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
159 - Fire in the Disco

A return to definitely a type of form, the Galleria caucus of Art and Labor (OK and Sarah) reckon with the eternal struggle of Knowing They Did A Gentrification To Bushwick. You, reader, however, are now yourself trapped in my web, unable to stop passively reading this sentence, which is that Kylie Minogue always has at least a couple songs on each album that sound like Starburst commercials, at least one absolute banger, and a bunch of shit. Aphrodite, however, is an entire album of Starburst commercials, and it’s a perfect driving album for the woman on the go with a cracked windshield and dangerously (but also sexily) corroded brake pads. We mostly, however, talk being abolitionists in the face of hateful tragedy like the Rash arson and debrief on the 7th annual Sonic 2006 party. If there was anyone in the north Brooklyn who deserved to be set aflame that night, it was probably us, sorry to all who attended. I also tell the same exact story I did last time I recorded about my sister getting hit by a Tesla, it’s a real meat and potatoes episode folks, we aim above all other things to be your comfort characters.

ALERT: JOIN OUR SCHOOL!  Art Business meeting is happening on Tuesday April 5th, and the next blender class with Niko is Sunday March 27th (both at 8pm est) Please reach out to join the discord for “Constructing the Real” NOW!

If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!