Performance artist, meme maker, genius Shawn Escarciga (aka @Missladysald) enters the pod chamber. We discuss better practices for indoctrination like yassifying Rennesme and putting goatse Marina Abramovic on a t-shirt. Can we do successful bait and switches with the PMC? Is it possible to isolate the radical nuggets inside everyone via the social media brain stem hookup? Let’s find out girlies!! Love wins!
ALERT: JOIN OUR SCHOOL, NEW CLASSES DROPPING SOON! Please reach out to join the discord for “Constructing the Real” NOW!
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Shawn’s website: https://www.shawnescarciga.com/
Come on Strong: https://www.instagram.com/comeonstrong/
Lucia show! Zine we’re gonna bootleg lol https://www.instagram.com/p/CZP70J6FWVg/