Episode 120 - Trouble in Ireland w/ John White (Part 1)
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Hey guys, welcome to the Northern Ireland News and Analysis Pod! For part two where we talk shit about the “post left” support our Patreon!! This ep we’re dedicated to bringing you fun facts about the IRA (for example, there are 3!) John “@sc00tlord” White brings the weeds to you, on your schedule, for your convenience! We’re sitting in them over there, just out of frame! with our balaclavas on…art? what?? what the fuck is that??? Labor??? I barely know ‘er!!! (For real though, if you saw an errant news sidebar on twitter or a small puff piece about the weeks of riots going on right now in Ireland, and realized yet again how much of an uneducated american yokel piggy you are, John gives a great survey of the political moment, and you get to impress your fellow dumbass american friends. follow him on twitter!!) If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia school “Constructing the Real” Also! Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
Have you been feeling tired from your daily dose of news chronicling the ineptitude of our administration, but finding it hard to look away? Well, feel free to pop this episode on and let your eyes keep watching the tire fire. As part of Constructing the Real, a course that focuses on how aesthetics and politics synthesize to create objectivity, Lucia reads the introduction of Art and (Bare) Life by Josephine Berry. Aside from being a great text for mapping what theorists understood about art and revolution over the course of the past few centuries, it’s also a solid read for anyone who is trying to figure out what their own practice is capable of during times like these.
If you’re interested in joining a conversation on this text, Constructing the Real has a channel in our Discord, and if you just feel like listening along, that’s cool too. We’ll post more chapters from the book as they transform into audiobook format.
We yelled at the mayor! This episode is a response to a recent Chapo Trap House interview about music, identity politics, and activism (listen here: https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/unlocked-amber-interviews-aaron-j-leonard). We want to challenge the podcast left to do better coalition building, and to think more critically about art’s potential in revolution. We encourage folks to consider Rivera’s Manifesto: Towards a Free Revolutionary Art, and will be posting another episode where we read the whole thing.