177 - One Piece Film Red w/ Sam Branman & August Lipp
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OK enlisted two of his favorite One Piece freaks—fashion designer and DJ/Producer of Str8 to DVDSam Branman, and cartoonist August Lipp—to talk critically about the most popular series on the planet who many (present company included) have enjoyed for 15+ years. Although the movie is a big commercial for a vtuber, it has a lot to offer about the false consciousness and cults of personality technology produces both in and outside of the state. We also discuss the theory crafting industrial complex, the series’ shortfalls when it comes to queer characters, and speculate if the distribution companies have censoring power. Spoilers for both the movie and the current arc of the manga!! If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Also! Tell a chill friend about us?? Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
167 - Who Archives the Internet Archive w/ O Horvath
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Artist, librarian, and furry historian O Horvath (aka Popple) is BACK! We discuss a YouTube video with over 270k views that believes the Renaissance was either made by computers or a mystical power—ancient alien cranks also racist against Italians. Public education is clearly failing, and even though libraries and archives will not save us, we must protect them!
Are AMVs proletarian or free fandom labor for multinational media companies? Where do Anime Music Videos sit in Hito Steyerl’s “an alternative economy of images” and can someone be the Dziga Vertov of AMVs? Are AMVs subjected to a particular nation state?
Well pholks, know that we tried this week- a hot and fresh Art and Labor from our minds to yours! OK tries to “read” (personally never heard the term) an article to Lucia and Sarah about the Metaverse, and since this is as spoiler-free space, let’s say we might get to that. Total y2k vibes from this episode include our proprietary newgrounds flash game, a /cgl/ easter egg (well, ok, I wish. Maybe it’s more of a “joke that’s just a reference to something”, but that is very post-9/11 vibes too), the generational divide on Seth Rogan, and I think there’s something in there eventually about Basel. This episode is dedicated to the brave Coca farmers of Bolivia, who keep our little art world community going <3
The goop is class consciousness. Painter and nu-metal expert Kevin Stuart came to visit us in NYC! The main point of his trip was to see Venom 2 (which we saw after this ep so it’s spoiler free!) Kevin and Lucia have been working synthesizing Venom and Marxist thought for the past couple of years, and they’re right, and you should see it. Sarah and OK visited a show under a stoop! Sorry this is so late, I am still hung over from drinking homemade makegeolli. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor atartandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia school “Constructing the Real” Also! Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
OK and Sarah slightly lose it this week talking to their guru at the top of the mountain, possible legend, and internet auteur Topher Florence aka Docfuture1. Actually coming from Something Awful in the early 2000s, Topher’s work as a writer and video artist cut to the bone, and present a highly informed perspective of fandom, cringe culture, anonymous cruelty aka the “caldron of suburban internet”. Why did Disney buy Marvel? Why has isekai taken off in the past decade? Why do we still differentiate between high and low culture, even though we know better? An episode for the Real Ones and a desperate attempt by OK to history-build a hagiography in order to justify all this other shit we do. We’re starting a cult for if you ever wanted to be your own boss, set your own hours, and huff paint while flashbacking to Gooey Gus. Get in on the ground floor if you’re ready to change your life!
Look, we’re going on a year of covid, and even though we knew this “new normal” would be pushed on us, it’s still extremely difficult. We talk about how everyone is coping with the barrage of brutality inflicted by the capitalist system’s failure to manage the pandemic and the climate crisis. Big tech is finding ways to capture the conversations we would normally be having at bars both with the new celeb app “clubhouse” and the increased share of streaming and podcasting with major financial backing. Perhaps it’s more comforting to reality shift into a fandom or religion, but of course we find capitalist tendrils lurking there as well. Plus! Some fresh Adam Curtis and Vice 2 takes. If you like the podcast and want more, please consider supporting us: https://www.patreon.com/artandlabor. Follow us on twitter and instagram. You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out to join the discord for Lucia school “Constructing the Real” Also! Write us a review on Apple podcasts or whatever other platforms!!
A Fucking Didactic Educational AUDIO File! We basically spin a weird collage about surveillance and privacy (a lost cause). A lot of time traveling this episode. We go back in time 5-7 years when folks were rushing Youtube with How To videos like it was the dang gold rush. We receive a prescient transmission from Jack Smith about the commodification of counterculture and the hyper capitalization art fairs were about to cause. We also heed lessons from David Wojnarowicz. Thank you queer history. Folks on the margins are often destroyed by the state, listen to them, and give them space.
Episode 9 - The YouTube Shooter (The Internet vs Dasein)
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Content warning right at the top, this episode we discuss guns, violence, and suicide. We read through the Hito Steyerl essays “Is the Internet Dead?” and “The Terror of Total Dasein: Economies of Presence in the Art Field” We get into the complicated life and death of Nasim Najafi Aghdam, algorithms, junktime, access, and therapy. If you like us please consider donating for bonus writing, memes, and art:https://d.rip/art-and-labor